Verbal and non-verbal communication skills

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Understanding Conflict Resolution and Effective Communication

Defining Conflict: Disagreement, Struggle, and Incompatibility

Before delving into conflict resolution, it's crucial to grasp the concept of conflict:

Conflict is characterised by disagreement, struggle, or incompatibility. Both verbal and non-verbal communication play a central role in conflicts, reflecting the presence or absence of effective communication.

The Role of Non-Verbal Communication

Exploring the significance of non-verbal communication in conflict situations:

Non-verbal communication, although extensively studied, remains subject to interpretation and variability.

In a 1971 research, communication components were broken down into percentages, revealing their impact on conflict:

  • Words: Contribute to 7% of the communication.
  • Tone: Holds a 38% influence on communication.
  • Non-Verbal Communication: Dominates with the highest percentage at 55 percent.

These findings emphasise the critical role of non-verbal cues in conflict scenarios.

Building Effective Communication Skills for Conflict Resolution

Developing and practising essential skills to navigate conflicts:

Acquiring and honing positive communication skills is key to conflict prevention and resolution. Positive behaviour, combined with emotional control, can prevent conflicts from escalating.

Recognise that your attitude shapes your behaviour and vice versa. Approaching others with a calm tone, friendly demeanour, and genuine intent to assist can defuse conflicts before they escalate.

Conclusion: The Power of Effective Communication

By understanding conflict, embracing non-verbal cues, and cultivating positive communication skills, you can foster a harmonious environment and minimise conflicts.