Calming an angry family member
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De-Escalation Techniques: Handling Aggressive Situations with Family Members
In this scenario, we will explore how to manage an encounter with an aggressive family member. The individual is displaying rude behavior and raised voice. Let's observe how the victim effectively de-escalates and handles the conflict.
Understanding the Situation
Aggressive Encounter: The family member expresses concern about their mother's lack of shower for a week and questions her presence in this state.
Empathetic Response: Mr. Brown acknowledges the family member's perspective and the difficulties they've faced with the mother.
Addressing Concerns
Clarifying the Situation: Mr. Brown explains the challenges faced due to the mother's dementia, leading to a difficult week.
Communication Gap: Mr. Brown apologizes for not communicating sooner and highlights the mother's rough week, which affected their ability to call.
Solution Proposal: A suggestion is made to discuss the issue with the mother together and explore future joint approaches.
De-Escalation Techniques
Physical Presence: Mr. Brown employs the open hand technique, using gestures to defuse tension and maintain a natural stance.
Creating Space: A subtle side step is taken to ensure personal safety and minimize aggressiveness.
Non-Threatening Gestures: Natural hand movements and open hand pushes are used to communicate boundaries and control space.
Things to Avoid
Volume Reduction: Mr. Brown employs a technique to lower the voice of the aggressive individual while acknowledging the issue.
Community Awareness: The presence of onlookers reduces aggression and encourages a calmer response from the individual.
Preventative Measures
Preventing Escalation: Open communication and sharing information with family members help prevent misunderstandings and conflicts.
Proactive Approach: Timely communication between staff and family members can address concerns before they escalate.
Exit Strategy and Documentation
Emergency Preparedness: Awareness of exit locations and room management ensures a safe way out in case of worsening situations.
Incident Reporting: Any conflict situation is documented as an incident report for learning and future improvement.